My Blog
Get your DNA testing done now! Click here to buy FTDNA test kit.
Thanks to the 1,600 people/organisations who responded to the Ministry of Justice’s proposals on the retention of wills. Good news: UK Government will not proceed with any reforms that involve the destruction of original wills. Read in full here:
Jonny Pearl had released some new features for ancestral trees at DNA Painter that he hopes all genealogists will enjoy using. Please read more below.
Enhanced ancestral trees: Brick Walls, Pictures and Dots | DNA Painter Blog
A tragedy in East London
The air raid shelter crush that cost 173 lives
Ancestry has announced the long-awaited online release of the first tranche of Second World War service records. Awesome news.
Locating London’s Past has just launched an updated version at: - new functionality, better mapping, cleaner data.

Awesome day at Fraser Park’s official opening yesterday. Well done South Canterbury with a great win to top off a wonderful day.
I enjoyed a day out with the Rangatahi on their second last day of their course at Te Aitarakihi.

The new Funders banner that has been installed at the entrance to the new Fraser Park Field. Trust Aoraki is proud to support this major upgrade.

The Cousin Explainer. Helping you understand your family history.

Hana. Our wee Westie. Loves being close to the heather plant.

Opening of new Fraser Park facilities. Trust Aoraki sponsored.